FREE Webinar

Dr. Fox's Eradication Protocol for Mold Treatment!

Discover the PROVEN Scientific Path to Healing Your Body from Mold Toxicity for GOOD

(Even If You Have a Complex Chronic Illness or Have Tried to Heal from Mold Toxicity Before)


June 19th

6pm MDT | 8pm EDT

Learn How to Conquer Mold Toxicity FOREVER With Dr. Fox's Mold Eradication Protocol:


Discover the #1 mistake doctors make when treating mold & how to prevent it from happening to you.


The shocking connection between Lyme Disease & mold in your body.


The ESSENTIAL path to healing from MOLD toxicity with Dr. Fox's mold eradication protocol.

Learn How to Conquer Mold Toxicity FOREVER With Dr. Fox's Mold Eradication Protocol:


Discover the #1 mistake doctors make when treating mold & how to prevent it from happening to you.


The shocking connection between Lyme Disease & mold in your body.


The ESSENTIAL path to healing from MOLD toxicity with Dr. Fox's mold eradication protocol.



Watch this short video to see the power of Dr. Fox's webinar in action!

This Webinar Is for You If You:

  • Struggle with fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, headaches, brain fog from mold exposure.

  • Have been diagnosed with mold toxicity and are tired of misinformation and want to learn how to heal from mold toxicity for good.

  • Have tried other treatments without success and are looking for a proven, scientific approach to finally overcome mold toxicity.

Hundreds of people just like you suffer silently from severe symptoms due to mold exposure, often finding themselves lost in a sea of misinformation and unsuccessful treatments.

Dr. Fox’s webinar introduces her scientific protocol for mold treatment, empowering you with the right strategies to effectively heal from mold toxicity.

By attending the webinar, you will gain the clarity and tools needed to reclaim your health, ensuring you can lead a life free of mold-induced symptoms.

FEATURED speaker

Dr. Terri Fox

Dr. Terri Fox is Board Certified in Integrative & Holistic Medicine with 24 years of functional medicine experience specializing in mold detoxification for 12+ years. Dr. Fox is also a Founding Diplomat of ISEAI, the International Society of Environmentally Acquired Illness.

After realizing that there were hundreds of patients being misdiagnosed and suffering with the symptoms and complications of mold toxicity, she created this masterclass to help those that have been struggling discover how to heal for GOOD!

Secure your live webinar seat today if you're someone that is looking to fully heal from the detrimental effects of mold illness and finally get your relationships, career, joy and life back.

Here's What Some of My Patients Have Said...

Discover How Dr. Terri Fox's Breakthrough Strategies Have Empowered Hundreds to Overcome Mold Illness, Regain Their Energy, and Restart Their Lives

Even When Other Doctors Said There Was No Hope.

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The medical information contained in this Webinar is for informational purposes only.
Although the instructor of this Webinar, Terri Fox, MD, is a licensed physician, she is not your physician solely by virtue of registering for or attending this Webinar.
The information and content provided in this Webinar is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice.
By registering for this Webinar, you hereby acknowledge that Terri Fox, MD, is not engaged in the practice of medicine by teaching this Webinar and you agree and acknowledge that no patient-physician relationship is established solely by virtue of taking this Webinar.
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The content contained in this Webinar is not intended to replace medical advice and/or care.
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Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you obtained or something you have learned during this course.
Terri Fox, MD, her employees, instructors, officers, directors, and assigns, hereby disclaim any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the content provided in this Webinar, which is provided as is, and without warranties.